If I love something, I must deliver it in the best of formats
For m30m professionalism and continuous artistic and technical improvement is a necessity and a goal, and that is why we make it our duty.
We have to give our clients and colleagues the best: the most suitable script, the best planning, the most beautiful photography, the best sound…
And this means continuous team learning and evaluation of our processes and results.
The best communication is interpersonal
The communication is bidirectional, it is always between at least 2 people.
That is why, for us at m30m, providing a service is to put ourselves in the place of the client, and most importantly, in the place of the client`s target audience.
So we help our clients and colleagues first to identify the goals they are aiming for; it’s not only about knowing, but also about doing and feeling.
We are a link in a big chain
Our focuses, what matters to us, matter to many other people, who contribute from their disciplines to the knowledge and spreading of nature and culture as well.
So we form a great chain with scientists, researchers, educators, cultural promotor, nature conservationists, special interests’ tourism professionals and many other people and organizations committed to culture and nature.